Spike Squad after the 2019 incognito road trip to Purdue
2024-2025 Executive Board
Each different sport provides its own uniquely thrilling experience, and, as an Illini Pride member, you're eligible for more benefits at each one! These range from free t-shirts to food, gift cards, and other special contests only available to our members. From our soccer team to our gymnastics team, be sure to check out all of the Olympic Sports!
Net Nuts (Tennis)
Twitter: @Illini_NetNuts
Instagram: @illinoisnetnuts
Ballers (Softball)
Twitter: @Illini_Ballers
Facebook: Illini Ballers
Wrestleheads (Wrestling)
Facebook: Illini Wrestleheads
Flip Crew (Gymnastics)
Twitter: @Illini_FlipCrew
Instagram: @illini_flipcrew
Facebook: Illini Flip Crew
Spike Squad (Volleyball)
Twitter: @SpikeSquad
Instagram: @spike_squad
Facebook: Illini Spike Squad
Hot Shots (Soccer)
Twitter: @Illini_HotShots
Facebook: Hot Shots
Pool Sharks (Swim and Dive)
Twitter: @PoolSharksILL
Facebook: Illini Pool Sharks
Grounds Crew (Baseball)
Twitter: @GroundsCrewILL
Facebook: Illini Grounds Crew